My New Name is Robert Borelli

From the Mafia to Drugs to Prison to Christ

When I was a kid, I wanted to be like the Mafia guys in our neighborhood. They always had the money, the nice clothes, the pretty girls, and the respect of everybody around them.

I started working for the Gambino Crime Family as a teenager.

The next twenty years of crime and drug addiction eventually destroyed my life. But that’s not the end of my story.

When I was in prison, I encountered the hope of the resurrected Jesus Christ. And that changed everything. I went into the Witness Protection Program and got a new legal name, just like I had a new identity in Christ.

Today I’m no longer in the program, so I share my story as much as I possibly can. Whether it’s through speaking engagements, my book, or online media, my biggest goal is to let people know it’s never too late for a new beginning.

As seen on

Your Audience Probably Hasn’t Heard This One

God has given me a unique story and a powerful message: if He could save me, He can save anyone.

Because of my past, a lot of times I can connect with people in a way others can’t.

And for some reason, people like my Brooklyn accent. It’s by the grace of God they can understand it.

I would love to share my testimony at your church or organization. I speak on other topics too by request.

My True-to-Life Novel

Drugs had completely destroyed my life. The Mafia wanted nothing to do with me. My family thought I was safer in prison.

I truly had no hope outside of divine intervention. And I didn’t even know if God existed. I had only heard about Him.

You can read the story about how I got here and what happened next in my book: “The Witness.”

If you donate $25 to my ministry, I’ll send you a signed copy with a personalized note.

Wanna Know More About What I’m Doing?

If you sign up for my newsletter, I’ll keep you up to date with what we’re doing as a ministry. And if you’re worried about spam—fuhgeddaboudit! It’ll just be once a month, and then a few extra emails when we get close to our annual fundraiser.

I Need Your Help

I believe God has called me to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who have lost hope. Many churches and organizations don’t have the funds to bring me to their community. Generous donors like yourself help me cover travel and other ministry expenses so I can get the word out to as many people as possible.

So many people in the world are hurting and confused. They really need this message. Would you consider partnering with us to bring them the hope of Christ?

You could be changing somebody’s life forever.